Whispers Of Wisdom

I have named this page "Whispers of Wisdom" because that is exactly what I will be posting here. I have prayed for years for wisdom like Solomon (never really expecting to be that wise), but it wasn't until I actually started listening that I heard God "whisper" these thoughts to me. So I thought I could share.

Sep 9, 2010

May The Force Be With You - Episode V - Christian Jedi Training: Worship and Meditation

The following is a continuation of Caleb Grimes' Star Wars Jesus "[99] The Spiritual Disciplines of the Force."

"Worship: Suffice it to say that Yoda is right, we are luminous beings. We need worship to recharge our luminosity and to express that light in voice, the position of our bodies, and in the position of our spirits. Think of worship as having the same benefits as exercise has for skin; sweating unclogs the pores and helps the skin to breathe just as worship unclogs the pores of our spirit and helps it to breathe."

"Meditation: We get the idea Luke is meditating as part of his training on Dagobah, and we see Yoda on a kind of meditation cushion in Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. This is the practice of getting a clear signal, so to speak; it is hearing what God is trying to say to you so that you can do it. Yoda says 'You must clear your mind,' and this means you must empty your mind of all the garbage, which to to my experience is best done by confession and maybe even counseling, then filling it with God's known words to us from the Bible. What happens when Luke has the right frame of mind? Success, as in Episode VI: Return of the Jedi. What happens when Anakin does not have the right frame of mind? Insanity and failure, as happens to Anakin in Episode III: Revenge of the Sith."