Whispers Of Wisdom

I have named this page "Whispers of Wisdom" because that is exactly what I will be posting here. I have prayed for years for wisdom like Solomon (never really expecting to be that wise), but it wasn't until I actually started listening that I heard God "whisper" these thoughts to me. So I thought I could share.

Dec 13, 2010

Questions Christians Hope No One Will Ask

So I know it has been over a month since my last post. I apologize. I have been really busy with work and trying to finish school and all that good stuff. Unfortunately, this has meant that I have not been listening too closely for a new whisper.

But today is your lucky day! I have another book to suggest to you guys. It is called The Questions Christians Hope No One Will Ask by Mark Mittleberg. I have not actually read the whole book. I managed to get a free preview on my wife's new Kindle, and so I have only read the forward, introduction and first chapter, however I am very very VERY interested in reading the rest and I had a very deep urge to push this book. I can only explain that as God wanting to get the word out just a little more about this book.