Dec 13, 2010
Questions Christians Hope No One Will Ask
Posted by Zach Brumley at 11:59 PM 0 comments
Nov 10, 2010
Let's Start Talking Donations
Two years ago I went to Kiev, Ukraine for three weeks and absolutely fell in love with the Let’s Start Talking ministry and what God is doing through them. I have once again committed to a LST summer project. Sharing my faith and the story of Jesus with others has now become a passion for me. I am contacting you to ask that you help me meet my fundraising goal of $3200 to benefit this ministry. LST has several deadlines set up to help me reach my goal, the first of which being $300 by December 15.
More information about LST can be found @ their website,, or check out some awesome videos of past projects @
Posted by Zach Brumley at 9:46 PM 0 comments
Oct 26, 2010
Serving a Proud God
Lately I have had this strange urge to look into the topic of pride. It all started after I saw a quote from C.S. Lewis that reads, “According to Christian teachers, the essential vice, the utmost evil, is Pride. It was through Pride that the devil became the devil: Pride leads to every other vice: it is the complete anti-God state of mind.” But after reading that, I was reminded of a Bible class lesson I had @ LCU about 5 years ago, in which the teacher made the argument that God is a very proud God, however, the pride of man is a far cry from the pride of God. This morning I want to first off look at some of the ways we express pride that the Lord Himself frequently does, but then I want to show how His pride differs from that which we ourselves experience.
I call the first expression of pride the “I Am Expression.” This one phrase “I Am” can be a very potent expression. “I am the President of this or that company.” “I am the captain of this or that team.” “I am the preacher this morning.” All these phrases express a pride in the speaker’s position, and with that comes an unexpressed demand of respect. We should be careful about the way we use these “I Am” expressions. But God Himself uses these exact words simply for His name. EXODUS 3:14 On several other occasions God claims “I Am the Lord your God, the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.” This is a phrase that we hear regularly throughout the Old Testament. In my study, it seems to me that every other verse in the book of Leviticus ends with the phrase “I AM THE LORD.” Jesus even plays on this claim in the book of John. John 8:58 says “"I tell you the truth," Jesus answered, "before Abraham was born, I am!" And in John 10:30 Jesus makes the claim that He is God. However, back in John 8:50 Jesus says I am not seeking glory for myself.” In that same verse, Jesus does however prove to us that God is a prideful God when He says “but there is one who seeks it, and he is the judge.”
The second expression of pride I believe is the “That’s My Name Expression.” If we look closely at our lives, we are always trying to make a name for ourselves. We want people to hear or think of our names, and have a certain picture of who we are. Most of us strive to build a good name for ourselves. Actors, Athletes, and Businessmen are very concerned with their names, and very often their names can become very popular/valuable. Consider a plain t-shirt or a simple pair of shoes. Print the name of a famous athlete, Kobe Bryant or Michael Jordan for instance, along with their endorsement and you have a product that every one wants, and is worth about 10-20x more than it was before. Autographs boost the value of common, mundane items. Names carry a great deal of pride.
Unfortunately God doesn’t care about your name, He only cares about His. Consider Abram and Jacob. God changed both of these men’s names. GENESIS 17:5, GEN. 32:28 Think about the stories and the histories these men had, but God didn’t care about the names they had built up for themselves. He changed them without any reservations. But consider God’s consideration of His own name. EXODUS 3:15, 20:7, 33:19, LEV. 19:12. God takes His name so seriously that in Lev. 24:16 it reads “anyone who blasphemes the name of the LORD must be put to death. The entire assembly must stone him. Whether an alien or native-born, when he blasphemes the Name, he must be put to death.” That’s some serious pride in a name if you ask me.
But now I want us to look at what exactly the “Pride of the Lord” looks like. Much like joy, love, and everything else, man’s version of pride is a far cry from that of the Lord. In the case of pride, it tends to get us into trouble more than it gives us the result of greatness which we are looking for. Like C.S. Lewis said, it leads to every other sin and it was through pride that the devil became the devil. Look where pride got Moses, Samson, even Adam and Eve fell to a small seed of pride. Through the “Pride of Man” many people become alienated and oppressed. But the “Pride of the Lord” lifts people up and helps those in need. The difference between the “Pride of Man” and the “Pride of the Lord” is that Man prides himself for himself while the Lord prides Himself for His children.
Consider the Israelites story in the book of Exodus. In Exodus 5:2, Pharaoh claims that he does not know the Lord. But in Exodus 7:5, 14:4, and 14:18 God says that He is doing these things so that the Egyptians would know that He is the Lord. Joshua 4:24 says “He did this so that all the peoples of the earth might know that the hand of the LORD is powerful and so that you might always fear the LORD your God." And Joshua 1:9 says Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go." How much more peace this claim brings knowing that God has so much pride in Himself that all the peoples of earth would know and fear Him.
The reason God cares so little for our names and so much for His is because He places His name on His children, making their names greater than they would be without Him. Remember our example of athletes, products and endorsements. God endorses us. God’s name is so great because of the great pride He has taken in building it up that He can take a worthless product, a sinner like me, and make it worthy of righteousness through His name. God does not want us to misuse or profane His name because He does not want to disgrace us when He places His name on us.
Pride is dangerous. As human beings we are incapable of practicing it like God does, and therefore we twist and tarnish its true beauty. Back in John 8:54 Jesus says “If I glorify myself, my glory means nothing. My Father, whom you claim as your God, is the one who glorifies me.” 2 Cor. 10:17-18 says “But, "Let him who boasts boast in the Lord." For it is not the one who commends himself who is approved, but the one whom the Lord commends.” I argue that it is good to have a little pride, but that pride need only be in God. Consider the Israelite army as they take the land of Canaan. After every won battle the victory cry was “FOR THE LORD!” Consider the men who marched around the walls of Jericho. It was not by their marching that the walls fell and they may have had a sense of pride in their victory, is was not in their marching, but in the fact that God was with them and would do mighty works for them. We should only express pride with a phrase like “I am a child of God,” and also in actions that will help build up His name. Only through our pride in God, through our desire to glorify Him, can we ourselves be glorified by Him.
Posted by Zach Brumley at 6:41 PM 0 comments
Sep 18, 2010
May The Force Be With You - Episode VI - Christian Jedi Training: Life-style and Service
The final episode of our study. Again, this excerpt is from Star Wars Jesus: A Spiritual Commentary on the Reality of the Force by Caleb Grimes.
Posted by Zach Brumley at 9:10 PM 0 comments
Sep 9, 2010
May The Force Be With You - Episode V - Christian Jedi Training: Worship and Meditation
The following is a continuation of Caleb Grimes' Star Wars Jesus "[99] The Spiritual Disciplines of the Force."
Posted by Zach Brumley at 2:23 PM 0 comments
Sep 6, 2010
May The Force Be With You - Episode IV - Christian Jedi Training: Prayer and Bible Reading
For the next three "episodes" I will be reproducing entry number 99 of Caleb Grimes' book, Star Wars Jesus, entitled "The Spiritual Disciplines of the Force."
Posted by Zach Brumley at 5:30 PM 0 comments
Sep 3, 2010
May The Force Be With You - Episode III - What about the Dark Side: Anakin, Palpatine, Satan, and You
Posted by Zach Brumley at 5:11 PM 0 comments
Aug 18, 2010
May The Force Be With You - Episode II - Obi-Wan, Philip, A Eunuch, and Luke: Lessons In Following Directions
Posted by Zach Brumley at 8:49 PM 0 comments
Aug 3, 2010
May The Force Be With You - Episode I - Old Ben (Obi-Wan), R2D2, C3PO, and Jesus: Adventures in the Desert
So I didn't expect to take so long between these blogs. Anyways, here's the first installment of my comparison of Star Wars and the Bible. As the title implies, I want to focus on the Force. This will actually be my main focus, and through it I will make a few comparisons of elements from the movies and the Bible.
Posted by Zach Brumley at 4:00 PM 0 comments
Jul 20, 2010
Star Wars, The Bible, and Me
A comparison for those of us into "hokey religions and ancient weapons."
Posted by Zach Brumley at 6:45 PM 0 comments
Jun 29, 2010
So this is completely random, but I thought it was a cool image to have about church and worship.
Posted by Zach Brumley at 4:06 PM 0 comments
Jun 21, 2010
Take A Hike!
Hey everybody! I know it's been a while since I last posted something here. I've been quite busy getting married and going on a honeymoon, but I'm back and I have a pretty neat image to share with you (at least I think it's pretty cool).
Posted by Zach Brumley at 6:55 PM 1 comments
Jun 7, 2010
Peter, John, and Jesus
It's been a while since I've posted anything I know. I apologize. I have been very busy making wedding preparations for this coming Saturday. Anyway, I thought I could share an idea that popped into my head this morning (I guess technically it was yesterday morning) at church. There was mention of Peter's denial of Jesus and it got me to thinking. Peter gets a pretty bad rap for this. We are always pointing out how that is not the kind of Christian life we should lead. We should not fear the thoughts and feelings of others for having faith in our Lord. I think most Christians like the idea of being John-like instead. You know, the guy who drew his sword and chopped off the ear of a Roman guard attempting to arrest Jesus. Ya, we like that story, we should be more like him... or should we? While he made a stand in his faith, John seems to have gone a little too far. He seems a little too eager to fight. In fact, Jesus stops him before he can take out the whole group of guards, and replaces the man's ear.
Posted by Zach Brumley at 12:51 AM 0 comments
May 18, 2010
God is NOT an American
So I was trying to figure out what to post up here this time. I had a couple of ideas, but then I read one of the other blogs I follow and the answer was revealed to me. It happens to be about a subject I have looked into before. Follow the link to read the blog by The unChurch, then make your way back here to finish mine (follow The unChurch if you like).
Posted by Zach Brumley at 10:19 PM 1 comments
May 12, 2010
Let's Start Talking
The Let's Start Talking ministry is a ministry that I have been involved in and absolutely love and plan on being involved for years to come. On May 17, two of the four LST teams from Kats For Christ will be leaving the United States headed for Belgium and Italy, then on May 31 the remaining two teams will be headed to Germany. These teams, 11 students, have commited their summer plans to going overseas and giving their time to people they don't even know to help them with their conversational English so that these people will have a better chance of gaining better jobs and lifestyles in their countries. The LST ministry sends students all over the world to help people by offering free English practice sessions using a workbook derived from a few books of the Bible. By doing this, students not only get to share their natural ability to speak and learn a new culture, but they get to share their faith and the story of Jesus with people they would normally not come in contact with. It is an amazing ministry and I am so excited that we had such a turnout from the KFC. I ask that you pray for our teams, and all the teams from all over the United States, who will be leaving in these next few weeks. Pray also for the ministry and all those involved that God will do great things through each and every one of them. To learn more information about Let's Start Talking, visit their website at
Posted by Zach Brumley at 1:55 PM 0 comments
May 4, 2010
Apr 29, 2010
Let it out, son. It's the beginning of wisdom.
Posted by Zach Brumley at 2:00 PM 0 comments
Apr 20, 2010
God Helps Those Who...
"God helps those who help themselves."
Posted by Zach Brumley at 4:36 PM 0 comments
Apr 13, 2010
Becoming What We Worship
“A person will worship something, have no doubt about that. We may think our tribute is paid in secret in the dark recesses of our hearts, but it will out. That which dominates our imaginations and our thoughts will determine our lives, and our character. Therefore, it behooves us to be careful what we worship, for what we are worshipping we are becoming.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Posted by Zach Brumley at 12:57 PM 0 comments
Apr 12, 2010
Whispers of Wisdom
So I thought I should elaborate on my "Whispers of Wisdom" idea. Like I said before, I believe that everyday God has something He wants to say to us. Now, it won't be the great booming voice as we tend to imagine as we read about God speaking to those in the Bible. It won't be through a burning bush or the presence of an Angel so bright we can hardly stand to look at him (though should these events occur I would probably take them quite seriously). This is why I call them whispers, you have to really be listening to hear them. And when you do hear them you will know that you have just heard the voice of God. Now then, these whispers come in all sorts of ways. The first time I heard one was actually through a Bible lesson and I heard God tell me to leave LCU and go somewhere He needed me to be, somewhere He could better use me. Since then I have heard Him in so many other ways. Sometimes they are ideas that just pop into my head without any sort of trigger. Other times they are picked up from conversations and discussions (some of them I am not even included in). Just yesterday I had one about the Lord's Supper, because I served on the communion table. But one way that has surprised me the most has happened a lot more often lately. Books! My faith and understanding has changed so much the past few years due to my reading of books from authors like C.S. Lewis and Frank Peretti. Even within the realm of books the whispers are different. One of my whispers is to read anything written by C.S. Lewis simply because it is written by C.S. Lewis. Another whisper may even be books that are given to me as gifts (such as The Shack, thank you Aunt Shelli). But the one that surprises me the most is the whisper to simply pick up a book off the shelf and buy it, not knowing who the author is or what might be inside. This has happened three times that I can remember.
Posted by Zach Brumley at 11:08 AM 0 comments
Apr 9, 2010
Finding My Story, Finding My Faith
Posted by Zach Brumley at 4:05 PM 0 comments